I'm talking about pheromones [fer-uh-mohns].
And, I'll tell you more about this new exciting pheromone scent that we made in the laboratory, but first I want to explain what pheromones are, how they were discovered, and most importantly
how they work.
It's really quite simple, pheromones are survival-of-the-species hormones that are produced and emitted by the body as a stealthy seductive scent to attract the opposite sex.
Nearly every species produces and emits pheromone scents, and these remarkable scents appear to be the primary mechanism of choice to initiate sexual instincts, drive, and mating behaviors for nearly all creatures of the animal kingdom.
And if you are discovering pheromones for the first time this can be truly exciting news, and especially for those of us who are interested in ways of having more sex, attraction, and romance in our lives.
Scientists have known about pheromones since the late 1800's. However, pheromones were first discovered in humans in 1986 at the Chemical Senses Bureau in Philidephia.
Since then, It been shown that even just a single whiff of this scent can arouse a woman's interest with gut level passion by triggering the attraction and mating instincts she's already programmed to feel.
Interestingly, pheromones are not always a consciously noticeable smell or scent. They work more as a chemo-sensory signal picked up by the opposite sex. The right quantity and quality of this signal can instantly trigger a surge of hormones and the other neuro-chemicals. This surge response can be quite entertaining to witness.
By supplementing with this scent on the exposed areas of skin, we are able to induce a deep sexual and romantic connection with the opposite sex in a very short period of time. Sometimes in just seconds.
So, no matter who you are or how well you play your game, wearing pheromones can help take it to the next level.
Pheromones are nearly odorless and can now be worn on the skin as a scented lotion for maximum effect.
So, imagine putting some pheromones on in the morning, and throughout the course of your day you happen to have a casual conversation with an attractive woman.